A good woman is hard to find…

“…and worth far more than diamonds.” (Proverbs 31:10, The Message)

No, we’re not interrupting regular programming for discussing passages from the Bible. I’ve just been thinking about that passage as I appear to have one of those. A good woman, that is. In fact, King Solomon goes on to say, “She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing.” (Proverbs 31:13, The Message) That’s my wife exactly.

Confused? Allow me to elaborate:

For my birthday last year the wife gave me a ukulele. It’s just an entry-level model, but I’ve been having great fun learning to play it. (No, I’m not starting my own Youtube channel just yet 😉 ). I wanted to take it along on holiday, and I asked her if she’d make me a bag for it. We headed to the fabric shop for some canvas and she got to work. Here’s how it turned out:

Ukulele bag

Ukulele bag

 It has foam padding and everything. It’s perhaps a bit bigger on the inside than it needs to be, but considering the wife made it without even a pattern I think it turned out quite well.

And notice the TARDIS-blue lining? We had miles of the stuff lying around. On questioning the wife all I got was mysterious smiles. The mystery was finally revealed on Christmas morning when I opened my present and found this:


She’d made me a TARDIS! Well, a TARDIS bag. It’s not bigger on the inside (though that feature would be wickedly handy in a bag, don’t you think?) and it’s absolutely useless for time travel (unless I carry my watch around in it), but I still think it’s very cool. In fact, I now wish we had Sci-Fi and Fantasy cons in South Africa (we don’t), so I can show it off – no one who has seen it thus far has the slightest idea as to its significance. I suppose I’ll just have to take the wife to Cardiff so we can visit the Doctor Who Experience

They say it’s the little things that makes life truly special, and the wife applied that principle as well by adding a few embellishments to the bag:

TARDIS bag charms

There’s a bow-tie for the eleventh Doctor (let’s just stick with the pre-war-Doctor numbering, okay?), an angel (no explanation necessary), and my name in Circular Gallifreyan (that’s apparently a thing).

Gallifreyan gift tag

The gift tag also had my name in Gallifreyan (in reverse and upside down…you can tell, can’t you?). My niece thought it was a sweet (she’s four…plenty of time yet to educate her about the wonder of Time Lords). I thought it was the epitome of cool. No one else got it.

So, yeah, I reckon I have a pretty awesome wife. What’s even more awesome is that she enjoys Doctor Who as much as me – it’s fun to have someone who doesn’t stare at you when you geek out but rather joins in instead?

How about you? Did you get anything in your stocking that knocked your socks off? Are you so lucky to have a significant other who shares your more odd passions in life? What are your odd passions in life? Let me know in the comments.

Gallifreyan text
Have a great one!

22 thoughts on “A good woman is hard to find…

  1. Supremely cool! You have a very talented and thoughtful wife! Ukeleles are fun, too – my wife plays them. I try not to because (a) being left handed, they’re always upside down for me, and (b) I can’t play them in any case, except for the ‘Smoke On The Water’ riff, which it’s better I don’t play on a ukelele owing partly to the upside-down problem but mainly because I always mangle it anyway.


  2. awwww that is so sweet! Hand-made gifts are always special. 🙂 My husband made a beautiful birthday card for me and I loved it! (He took 2 days to make it though..locked up in a room and made a big mess of papers and stuff..haha!) Will always keep it safe.


    1. That mess, though. My wife also makes cards, and paints, and any manner of other crafts and it’s always a big mess afterwards (and yes, my bag was also made over several days behind a closed door I was absolutely forbidden to enter for any reason whatsoever). But she enjoys it and people are always glad to receive her hand-made gifts.

      I’m afraid I don’t have the artistic skills to make stuff like that. And if you make a mess with words you just press delete 😉


  3. Excellent bag (well, both bags).
    I hope you’re going to learn to play this:
    My neighbour does the voices of the Daleks & Cybermen, so for years we’d hear them coming out of his flat. I’m sure it kept the burglars away!
    Good luck with the uking – it’s a fun instrument to play. I’ve been teaching myself for a couple of years & now run the website for our group (see my signature block – we link to lots of useful free resources etc).


    1. Ooh! The Doctor meets the ukulele! Thanks. I’m always on the lookout now for new songs I can play. I’ll check out the rest of the website as well.

      When you say you neighbour does the voices, do you mean for fun or is he the actual voice of Dalek on the show? I can imagine it would keep burglars away, or at least burglars who are also into SF (don’t know how many of those there are…)


      1. He’s the actual voice on the show. I used to be able to do the gag about being on the ground floor, as the Daleks can’t go up stairs, which was then spoilt when they brought the TV series back & they could levitate!

        Also look at my PLUC website, as we link to loads of song sites.


      2. That’s so cool! Shame about the levitation, though. I’d start running if I were you 😉

        I’ve bookmarked both sites so I can peruse them at my leisure, thanks.


  4. A bag that is bigger on the inside… that is Mary Poppins. Come to think of it I think she might be the female incarnation of The Doctor. Why not? The Master did it.

    I am so glad you loved you gift. :-*


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